
Wardrobe overhaul!

Clear out the old and make way for the new with these easy tips

Guilty of an overflowing wardrobe? We’ve all been there – staring into the clothing abyss, fretting over what to wear. Trends come and go, but beyond the basics, clothing you bought in the spur of the moment can bulk up your wardrobe.


The best way to combat this is to give it an overhaul. Every 6 months, go through your wardrobe, splitting your pieces into ‘keep’, ‘maybe’ and ‘donate’ piles – after a quick parade around the house of course!

It’s easy to revamp those ‘maybe’ pieces with just a little creativity. You can turn a drab maxi dress into a cute A-line skirt, simply by shortening the hem and adding a few pleats. Got an overflow of old tees? Invest in some fabric dyes to brighten dull colours, or try a dip dye DIY – the possibilities are endless!

An easy way to keep track of what you’re wearing is by hanging your coat hangers the opposite way you usually would. By the next clean up, it’s easy to see what you’ve worn versus what’s heading for the donation pile.

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