There’s a Facebook group dedicated to coriander haters and it’s hilarious

Haters gonna hate

Are you a coriander love or loather? If it’s the latter then there’s a Facebook group just for you!

The I Hate Coriander group is a space dedicated to people who despise the green stuff and in the ‘about’ section it simply reads: We. Hate. Coriander.

With over 201,000 members, the group shares memes and photos of situations where their coriander-hating comes to the fore, such as when it’s liberally sprinkled on top of tacos or used as a garnish on an avo toast brekkie. They even have a gallery of ‘I hate coriander’ tattoos!

But why do some people hate coriander?

Apparently it’s all to do with science. 

In 2012 genetic testing company 23andMe surveyed 50,000 people asking them why they liked coriander (also called cilantro) or if they found it to be soapy in taste. 

They identified two common genetic variants linked to people’s ‘soap’ perceptions, and a follow-up study in a separate sub-set of customers confirmed this.

However, as with many scientific observation there are anomalies. Another factor on whether people love or loathe coriander is said to be familial and people who are exposed to coriander growing up are more likely to enjoy it than those who don’t. 

So there you have it!

As for the I Hate Coriander group, here’s our pic of the funniest coriander-loathing pics: 

(Credit: I hate Coriander Facebook.)
(Credit: I hate Coriander Facebook.)
(Credit: I hate Coriander Facebook.)
(Credit: I hate Coriander Facebook.)
(Credit: I hate Coriander Facebook.)
(Credit: I hate Coriander Facebook.)

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