
Mother confronts men accused of almost killing her innocent son during illegal street race

They walked away.
Channel 9

The mother of man severely injured when he was hit by a car crossing the road in Sydney’s south-west has confronted the drivers head on.

Shane Reghenzani, 23,  was crossing Glenfield’s busy Canterbury Road when he was hit by a blue Toyota Camry which was allegedly racing a white Subaru Impreza.

Rushed to hospital, Shane spent two weeks on life support and has suffered brain damage, and both his legs were crushed.

shane rheganzani in hospita;
Shane has had eight operations. (Credit: Channel 9)

His mother, Christine, finally got face-to-face with the drivers accused of the causing the accident outside Campbelltown Court.

‘My son was walking home on the footpath, on the footpath!’ she cried as she confronted the drivers and their family reports A Current Affair.

‘It’s a miracle my son’s alive!’


Shane is still recovering in hospital, but after eight operations it’s still unclear if he will walk again.

‘This thing happened and now my life’s changed forever. I can’t imagine anything I could have done to deserve that,’ he says.

The two drivers were released on bail and will face court again in April.

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