At one-and-a-half this family noticed something was wrong with their little boy.
A growth under the skin on his belly had started to show through, and shortly after he was diagnosed with stage three cancer.
Now four years old, Kittipat Jintana’s tumour has continued to grow. Horrifyingly, in the last four months it has ballooned to four times its size.
Born in Thailand, Kittipat has been unable to receive proper treatment for the tumour which has left him unable to stand or even use the toilet.
Donations have poured in on Thai social media, and with the help of a welfare charity Kittipat should be able to visit hospital for treatment.
‘Please join and help to cheer up Kittipat. I wish that he can recover from this disease,’ wrote one generous donator.
‘He is still very young to be going through this.’