Conjoined twins separated see each eachother for the first times

Their faces say it all!
Nicole McDonald - Facebook

Five weeks after their marathon 27-hour surgery, twins born conjoined at the head have seen each other for the first time.

For the first year of their lives, twins Jadon and Anias McDonald lived joined at the head. Unable to see each other, yet constantly connected, the two cheery boys had to wait until they were old enough to undergo the miraculous surgery to separate them.

Now, five weeks after their successful surgery mum Nicole has shared an amazing photo of her boys seeing each other for the very first time.

With wide-eyed curious expressions both boys look astonished to finally meet face-to-face.

While the family were originally hesitant to go public with their story, they wanted the chance to thank the incredible doctors and nurses who were caring for their boys, calling them the ‘true heroes of our story’.

News of the operation soon made headlines around the world, with support flooding in for the couple and their eldest son, Aza.

Mum Nicole has also shared the heartwarming photo of her cradling Jadon – saying it has been her dream since her boys were born to hold them in her arms. But their condition made it impossible.

‘For over 13 months, I’ve dreamed of this moment,’ she says.

But it’s not all been smooth sailing.

While Jadon’s recovery has been smooth, his twin Anias has suffered infections and still needs his breathing tube. Even before surgery Anias suffered breathing complications and seizures, which his parents have been told may continue.

Doctors have high hopes that Anias will pull through, and keep Jadon close by to give his brother strength and positivity.

The family have set up a Go Fund Me page to help cover the $2.5 million surgery and their ongoing medical costs.

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