
Vegan activists ruin people’s dinner as they storm steak restaurant

And they've said 'this is just the beginning'

Vegan activists caused havoc this weekend after storming a steak restaurant in Queensland.


Protestors interrupted diners as they walked into the Black Hide Steakhouse, Brisbane, armed with signs.

Footage of demonstration, which was live-streamed on Facebook, shows the vegans repeatedly chanting ‘it’s not food, it’s violence.’

Activist group Direction Action Everywhere was responsible for the protest, which is part of a global movement.

In the video, a woman says, ‘We’re at a steakhouse to disrupt normalised violence.


‘We have around 25 dedicated animal rights activists standing in solidarity for animals that are needlessly slaughtered for food.

‘We have the choice to end violence with our dollar and in 2020 there is no longer an excuse to pay for someone’s suffering.’

Direct Action Everywhere spokesman Arcadiusz Swiebodinksi
Direct Action Everywhere spokesman Arkadiusz Swiebodzinski (Credit: Channel 7)

Arkadiusz Swiebodzinski, a spokesperson for Direct Action Everywhere, confirmed that the group plan more protests.


Speaking to 7 News, he said, ‘We came here to Brisbane because it’s a very heavy animal agriculture state here in Queensland and animals need to be spoken for everywhere.

‘This is just the beginning.’

The protest lasted around 20 minutes and activists had already left by the time police arrived.

But many were unimpressed with the protest, one diner complained, ‘Don’t interrupt other people’s life everyone has got a right to make a choice – they can make there’s. Let the people here who like eating steak make theirs.’


Another person wrote to the restaurant’s Facebook page, ‘Hi, sorry you had to put up with those vegan d***heads last night. We love eating your steak.’

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