How a popped pimple caught a cheating husband!

He thought he'd got away with it...

The lawyer for a Turkish woman says his client busted her husband’s cheating thanks to his back acne.

The woman thought she was happily married until one day she noticed all the pimples on her husband’s back had been squeezed, but not by her!

When she confronted him he quickly changed the subject. Her suspicions were confirmed after he fell asleep and she went through his phone.

She found messages between her husband and his lover on WhatsApp.

Woman looking at boyfriend's phone
The truth was in his phone (Credit: Getty)

‘The woman showed me the WhatsApp conversation. He was actually saying to his girlfriend that his wife had started to suspect him because of his acne,’ her lawyer Tolga Aydemir said. 

Tolga explained he’s never before had a case where pimple-popping was used
as evidence.

‘Sherlock Holmes was only a little better than this woman,’ Tolga said.

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