Yummy Mummies is yet to premiere on TV, but Maria Digeronimo has already caused a stir with her controversial comments about breastfeeding.
‘Breastfeeding in public, for me, is illegal, you just don’t do it,’ she said during a promo for the new series.
The Adelaide brunette also showed off a bouquet of money and arrived to her baby shower in a horse and carriage.
But is Maria really as outrageous as she appears? ‘I think I’m a glamour queen, maybe,’ she confesses.
‘I like dressing up, I do like designer. I love the quality of the designer outfits. It’s been something I’ve been introduced to as a young child.’
As for her relationship with the other ladies, Maria hints there’ll be fireworks: ‘I’m a very different character to the other girls.’
Yummy Mummies premieres Sunday, 9pm, Channel Seven.
This story originally appeared in this week’s New Idea – Out now.