
Doctor warns this popular beauty trick is actually dangerous

Just because you can eat it doesn't mean you should rub it on your skin.

When online make-up artist, Farah Dhukai, posted her trick to get rid of eye bags it was snapped up by make-up fans everywhere.


Since then, however, some health professionals have come forward to warn people that this technique is in fact very risky.

Farah says that her trick for banishing dark circles is using a paste of tumeric and buttermilk under her eyes.

However, Dr. Mark Jacquot, clinical director at LensCrafters, says that it could have the opposite affect.


‘The skin around your eyes is particularly sensitive and can be prone to allergic reactions, irritation, or other injuries. Even non-toxic ingredients that are safe to eat can cause irritation around the eye,” he says “For example, you can eat a jalapeño pepper, but you wouldn’t want to put it near your eye or rub your eyes after cooking or handling them.’

Ingredients used in cosmetics are heavily regulated around the world and tumeric hasn’t been approved for a reason.

However, some people who use the turmeric trick are adamant they’ve never suffered any adverse affects – but would you risk it?


Source: Girlfriend

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