When you’re not sure how to do something what’s the first place you turn? Good chance it’s YouTube, which has become the go-to for videos on do-it-yourself guides to pretty much everything!
Including this surprising DIY guide: how to change a toilet roll.
Entitled Toilet Roll Changing – Teenage Instructional Video #1, father-of- two Will Reid introduces the video as part one of a series of ‘instructional videos to help them with life’ for his teens. Complaining that talking to them face to face didn’t work he say he hopes turning to social media will do the trick!

Will Reid

Will Reid

Will Reid
Putting his kids’ lack of changing to loo-paper down to it being ‘a difficult one’ to grasp, Will then leads us step-by-step through the process of removing the old roll and replacing it with a new one.
At the end he encourages his kids to watch it a few times to properly grasp the process.
‘The advance level would be to actually take the empty toilet roll holder and put it in the bin,’ he add before pausing. ‘I feel like that might be a step too far at the moment.’
It’s now been two years since the tongue-in-cheek video series was created and despite being 19, Will’s wife Sandra says in a post of Facebook ‘not much has changed with the toilet roll changing (sigh!)’.
The videos may not have done the trick but they sure kept us entertained!