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Shocking video shows girl, 12, punched in the face by woman for talking to her boyfriend

Her jealous rage came out of nowhere!

Security camera footage has gone viral which shows a grown woman shoving a 12-year-old girl to the ground after the woman’s boyfriend began speaking to her.

Presley Kinney was standing outside a convenience store waiting for her father when she was approached by a man who asked ‘Can I get a piece of that?’

Innocently, Presley thought he was asking for a snack.

As Presely hands the man something from her plastic bag Marlenea Uravage, 29, the girlfriend of the man rushes up and chases him off.

Without missing a beat Marlenea turns and shoves Presley to the ground and runs off after her boyfriend, just as Presely’s father ran out of the store to his daughter’s aide.

Speaking to WBRE, Presley’s mother Chere Fuller says her girl didn’t understand why she was the victim of such brutality.

‘She thought the man was hungry. Because she’s 12, she has an innocent mind.’

In another interview with Times Leader she added: ‘I cannot believe someone of her age and size would put her hands on a child like that.’

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