
Police thought my donuts were drugs!

Police thought Krispy Kreme glaze on the floor of his car was meth!
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Once a fortnight, Daniel Rushing, 65, indulged in a Krispy Kreme doughnut.


But that sweet treat was considerably soured back in December 2015. Daniel picked up an elderly church friend who needed a lift home from a 7-Eleven store.

Unbeknown to Daniel, police were staking out the store trying to catch drug dealers. Thinking Daniel and his friend looked suspicious, they pulled them over.

And when the police searched his car, they pointed out a crystallised substance on the floor.

‘I kept telling them, “That’s glaze from a doughnut,” ’ Daniel told the Sentinel newspaper.

‘They tried to say it was crack cocaine at first, then they said, “No, it’s meth, crystal meth.” ’

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(Credit: Getty Images)

Daniel was horrified.

‘I’ve never even smoked a cigarette!’ he protested.

Daniel was arrested for possession of methamphetamine and put in jail for 10 hours before being released on bail. Several weeks later, a state crime lab cleared Daniel and the charges were dropped.

Despite his experience, he still loves his doughnuts!

Read more stories in this week’s issue of that’s life.


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