With two boyfriends, Sunny Saap admits that her relationships are far from conventional.
Now, with the three adults living under one roof together, she’s adamant that they’ve become one big, happy family!
As told to Candice Fernandez – Hotspot Media
My eldest daughter shrieked with laughter as she jumped onto the swings.
Then, her dad, Matt, 34, pushed her up into the air.
‘Higher, Daddy!’ London, three, squealed.
Beside me, my boyfriend Kody, 27, held our daughter Thea, two months.
I’d been in a polyamorous relationship with Matt and Kody for two years, which meant we all consented to non-monogamy.
I loved them both, while they loved me, but to each other they were just friends.
I’d met Matt first, four years earlier, when we lived in the same apartment building.
He was the funniest person I’d ever met.
‘I can’t breathe,’ I cried one night over dinner, as he had me in stitches. ‘My stomach hurts.’

We’d only known each other a week when I confessed I wanted to be polyamorous.
Matt was shocked.
‘Am I enough for now?’ he asked.
‘Of course,’ I told him.
We became a couple, and within three months, I was pregnant.
After London came along, I should have been so happy – I had the perfect boyfriend, perfect child, perfect life. But I felt like something was missing.
Eventually, I plucked up the courage to tell Matt.
‘What if we opened up our relationship?’ I asked.
‘It doesn’t mean I don’t love you,’ I added.
We chatted for hours and Matt understood.
‘We can try it,’ he smiled.

Time passed and we didn’t meet anyone we wanted to share our relationship with. But then, we went to a music festival where
I met a man called Kody.
He was tall and handsome with muscular arms.
As we chatted, I pointed to Matt in the distance.
‘That’s my partner,’ I said.
Kody’s face dropped.
‘You’re not single,’ he muttered.
‘We’re open,’ I explained.
Kody looked confused, even more so when Matt appeared and shook his hand!

Over the next two days, we all hung out together, and a week after the festival, Kody called me.
‘I’d love to take you out for dinner,’ he said.
First though, I had to speak to Matt.
‘Would you mind if I went on a date with Kody?’ I asked.
‘That’s fine,’ he smiled.
So, that night, while Matt stayed home with London, I went out with another man.
Kody was so charming. When he spoke, he stared deeply into my eyes, and I loved how he listened to me.
‘I really don’t want to get in the middle of anything,’ he told me.
‘You wouldn’t need to date Matt,’ I explained. ‘It would just be me and you.’
‘I like you a lot,’ he said. ‘So let’s try this.’
As Kody kissed me, I’d never felt so alive.
Back home, Matt was in bed waiting for me.
‘It was a great night,’ I said, giving him a kiss too.
‘As long as you’re happy, so am I,’ Matt said.
But as the months passed and I spent more time with Kody, Matt grew jealous.
‘I hardly see you,’ he said.
Then, an idea formed.
They need to become friends, I thought, texting Kody to come over.
When Kody arrived, Matt made us coffee and soon we were all laughing.
From then on, Kody came around for dinner once a week and he and Matt bonded further.

When Kody asked me to be his girlfriend, I’d never felt so lucky.
I had not one, but two amazing boyfriends.
The only thing was, when I went to Kody’s house, I missed Matt and London.
One day, Matt and I were cleaning the spare room.
‘Why doesn’t Kody come and live with us?’ he asked. ‘He could stay in this room with you, then we can swap around,’ he offered.
‘That’s an amazing idea,’ I agreed. ‘I wouldn’t have to leave London.’
The next week, Kody moved in and our polyamorous relationship became official.
It felt so normal to live with them both. And from then on, I swapped between bedrooms each night.
It was perfect.

We even broke the news to our parents, and after the initial shock, they gave us their blessing.
Soon after that, Kody and I sat down with Matt.
‘Kody and I want to have a child,’ I said.
‘I’d love to be a dad too,’ Kody added.
‘That’s amazing,’ Matt said.
For the next two months, Matt and I stopped having sex and I fell pregnant with Kody’s baby.
Both Kody and Matt were over the moon, and having a baby with each of them made our family fit perfectly.
Kody would look after London, while Matt and I went out. We never went on dates the three of us, but we ate together at home sometimes with London.

In March 2019, Matt and Kody were both by my side when I gave birth to a little girl named Thea.
With our new addition, our family has gone from strength to strength.
Matt and Kody have since become like brothers.
‘Mummy, Daddy, Kody!’ London squeals when she runs into a room.
Whenever we go out together, I swap between holding Matt and Kody’s hands.
Sometimes strangers give us funny looks, but we don’t care.
Both Matt and Kody love me very much. And I love them.
Now, I can’t imagine being in a conventional couple.
I’m so lucky and grateful to have two wonderful men in my life.