Meet the dog:
For any fan of dogs, the place you want to be is the Facebook group – Cool Dog Group. It’s all dogs, all the time. But one thing that has been happening recently is owners of dogs not only posting pics of their pooches but asking their fellow dog-lovers to get editing!
Erin Einbender’s English Sheepdog was confined to the infamous ‘cone-of-shame’ after a surgery she posted the photos online and invited people to share their interpretations. The results are absurd and hilarious! Here are our favourites.
Shame of Cones
That pun was harder to resist than this poor pooch trying to get at his stitches!
‘A Doggo Martini’
We don’t recommend shaking dogs or stirring them up – but this image is pretty ‘neat’! Probably best to check for hairs first though.
A new mascot!
We’ve seen this one a few times before!
This one is a Pluto-pup!
Life in space sure looks ruff!.
The Doggie Hourglass
A regular hourglass is worth seven doggie hourglasses!