Police have arrested a woman covered in poo after she was accused of throwing faeces at her landlord.
Body-cam footage shows the gruesome moment cops confronted Joanne Mercader in Osteen, Florida.
The 59-year-old woman had dried poo smeared across her face when cops arrived at the scene.
She claimed her landlord had tried to throw a bucket of faeces at her in a bid to evict her after an ongoing issue, according to an affidavit.
In the body cam footage, Mercader can be heard saying: ‘She took the poop and rubbed it all over.’
But when pressed by police, the Florida woman then changed her story, according to local10.com.
She claimed she’d meant to grab a bucket of water when she picked up the one containing faeces instead.

The disgusted victim, a 65-year-old woman, chased Mercader into the bathroom before a struggle broke out.
According to an affidavit, the victim said she had gone to Mercader’s trailer for an inspection when she was doused in poo.
In the body-cam footage, the officer tells the suspect: ‘All I know, in a long time of doing this job I’ve never seen anything like it, OK?
‘I’m not disputing what you’re telling me but … she’s dripping with it, you are not.’
Mercader was arrested on a charge of battery on a person 65 or older.