Teen’s classy response to being fatshamed

How to win the internet.

One couple who went to prom had the best response after teen Madison Haulter was fatshamed on social media.

Madison shared a series of photos of her with her date, Tre Booker, and was shocked when Twitter users shamed her over her weight.

“Wow he loves you even tho [sic] you’re fat,” wrote one.

Another said: “Wow he loves you even tho [sic] you’re fat 🙁 [must be nice]”.

Her response to the trolls was nothing but classy.

“Don’t see how people can be rude to people they don’t even know,” she wrote.

Meanwhile, her boyfriend’s comeback won over the internet.

“Your [sic] not fat, your perfect. I could look at you all day,” he tweeted.


The couple have been together for a year and have been blown away by support from the kind words of strangers following the online bullying.

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