60 seconds to save a life

Here's why organ donation is SO important.

In Australia, around one person will die every week waiting for their organ transplant.

Today, about 1,400 Aussies and their families are desperately waiting for the call that a lifesaving organ has become available.

They are counting on the generosity of a donor and their family willing to give the greatest gift of all.

For someone seriously ill, an organ or tissue transplant can mean the difference between life and death, being healthy and sick or between seeing and being blind.

Nine in ten families agree to donation when their loved one is registered to be an organ donor.

This drops to just four in ten families agreeing to donation when the deceased is not on the register and the family has no prior knowledge of their loved one’s wishes.

that’s life! is campaigning for 10,000 more Australians to join the organ donor register and share their decision with their family.

Registering is easy and takes around 60 seconds – all you need is your Medicare number.

To change a life, go to donatelife.gov.au/thatslife

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