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Mum delivers massive 6 KILO baby on living room floor

She shared his dramatic arrival with that's life!

Nina Tassell, 37, Perth, WA

‘He’s coming!’ I exclaimed to my hubby, Adam.

Although our bub wasn’t due for another three days, my contractions were getting stronger by the second. Having had three sons already, I knew it was time.

As Adam, 38, grabbed my hospital bag, my sister-in-law Sonya, 47, turned to me with a reassuring look on her face.

‘Do you think you’ll make it to hospital this time?’ she asked.

After giving birth to our second son, Lucas, now four, in the front seat of our car, I knew I didn’t want to do that again. But the contractions were coming thick and fast!

‘I’d rather have him at home than in the car,’ I replied to Sonya.

Moments later, I was on my knees and leaning against a chair as Adam offered me words of encouragement.

‘Come on, Nina!’ he said as he rubbed my back.

‘You’re doing so well. Keep pushing, I can see his head!’

With one final push, I delivered our baby boy. There were a few agonising moments of silence before we heard him cough and knew he was going to be okay.

‘He’s beautiful,’ I said to Adam.

Sonya had already called the paramedics, and we were soon whisked off to hospital to get checked over.


Judah with dad Adam
Adam wasn’t expecting to help deliver his bub on the living room floor but couldn’t be happier to welcome Judah to the family!

It wasn’t until the midwife weighed our son that we got a big surprise.

Looking bewildered and thinking she’d made a mistake, she went to weigh him again.

‘Your boy is six kilos,’ she said. ‘That’s almost double the average!’

Adam and I turned to each other and couldn’t believe it. We’d always had whoppers – Lucas and our other sons, Jackson, six, and Nate, two, had been bigger than usual – but this was unbelievable.

‘I’m glad I didn’t know how big he was going to be before I went into labour,’ I half-joked, knowing I would have been terrified.

We decided to call him Judah. Almost three months on, our big bub is doing really well. Unsurprisingly, we had to give away all the newborn nappies we’d bought ahead of the birth – he already fit into the infant-sized!

When our friends and family came around to meet Judah, they were just as stunned as we were.

‘He looks about three months old,’ they’d exclaim. I’ve even had girlfriends say I’m a superwoman! I’m just pleased that our bub was born happy and healthy. 

I still can’t quite believe my hubby delivered our six-kilo bub!

As told to Zara Zubeidl.

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Issue 16 that's life!

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