Marimar Quiroa, 21, lives with a condition called cystic hygroma – a facial tumour which has left her without use of her mouth.
‘It affects me in several ways. I cannot speak, I breathe through a hole in my throat, I eat through a tube in my stomach and the hearing in my right ear is diminished,’ she explains through sign language on Daily Mail.
Despite growing up feeling self-conscious about how her condition affected her, Marimar was always careful to protect her self-esteem.
‘When I was younger I would talk to myself in the mirror. I would tell myself I was beautiful.
‘I would encourage myself and list all the things that were good about me and it built my confidence through the years.
‘When I was younger I would talk to myself in the mirror. I would tell myself I was beautiful.’
The effort paid off, and two years ago Marimar started her own channel on YouTube, comunication through sign language and subtitles, showing her fans how to create beautiful hair and make-up looks.
‘The reason i started my youtube channel is to support the deaf and hard of hearing community and others too,’ she explains on her channel.
With dozens of videos and over 120,000 subscribers, Marimar’s channel is a great success. She doesn’t just share make-up tutorials either, Marimar shares videos about her daily life with her family – who are overwhelmed by her positive attitude.
‘My condition doesn’t hold me back in any way – there is nothing I can’t do.’
‘It doesn’t matter how you look or how you feel about your body. Accept yourself, accept your image – that’s what matters.’