
“Today I nearly killed my daughter” Mum’s horrifying confession

“I feel sick even writing this…”
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Mummy blogger Bec Crombie wrote about a terrifying experience which resulted in her daughter nearly being stabbed by a kitchen knife.


‘Today I almost killed my daughter,’ she shared in her blog, That Mum Wife Travel Life.

‘I feel sick even writing this, I’m not sharing our story for attention or sympathy but as a scary wake up call for us all – to stay vigilant.’

The 29-year-old says she was preparing dinner on the kitchen bench while her daughter Nylah played at her feet.

She said she took a step to the left to remove a corn husk when Nylah grabbed the chopping board, causing the knife to plummet down.

‘As quickly as I had briefly stepped away, Nylah had stood up and grabbed the board from the bench Which resulted in a 20cm knife falling and narrowly missing stabbing her in the face,’ the mum wrote.

‘My heart sank. I felt sick, and still do. At the thought of the shoulda, coulda and wouldas, and how quick everything just happened, within the blink of an eye. 

‘Once the initial shock had passed, I began to cry, thinking of how lucky we were that she wasn’t even left with a scratch.’ 


She concluded: ‘Hug your babies tighter tonight, because I know I will be.’

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