Teen parents heartbreakingly brief reunion with newborn after 5 days apart

They're still being kept in the dark about where she's living.

The teen couple who gained attention after escaping hospital with their 3-day-old baby have been given a brief reunion with the newborn after five days apart.


Jenifer Morrison, 15, and her fiancé, Jayden Lavender, 14, were so happy to see their baby, Aria, they burst into tears.

The newborn had been returned to the hospital after Jayden and Jenny took her in the middle of the night and camped out before heading home to Jayden’s mother’s house.

The young couple were not told where their daughter, Aria, had been taken when she was discharged from hospital last week and they don’t know where she is staying now.

The pair say they tried to take their baby from hospital because they feared that social services wouldn’t allow them to keep her, with authorities telling them they’re ‘too young to decide’ what is best for Aria.

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