that’s life! Mega Monthly is excited to introduce Maria D’Angelo and Don Fuggle, who are travelling and dancing around our great country.
Here, Maria explains all about their trip.
What do you reckon?’ I asked my partner Don, showing him the ad on Gumtree. ‘Looks promising,’ he replied. ‘Let’s go check it out.’ And that’s how we found our new home – an old 21-seater school bus, costing $11,000, which we’ve converted into a house on wheels!
Don, 61, and I, 59, were semi-retired adventure-lovers. We were always off somewhere, or on the road visiting our kids and grandchildren.
We also had another big love – dancing. We’d met in a dance lesson five years earlier. Neither of us had started dancing until we were in our mid-fifties. Now we couldn’t get enough of it! We danced two or three hours a night, four or five nights a week.

Don and I’ve worked hard to get our bus, which we’ve named Zingara (Italian for Gypsy) ready for the road. We’ve added a bed, solar panels, a bank of lithium batteries, a lounge, table and pop-up privacy tent for outdoor showers.
There’s heating and cooling, and a projector to screen movies on to the blinds or ceiling.
And we’ve named ourselves the Dancing Nomads of Australia – because dancing is in our DNA!

Our seats are comfy
Liz Crichton

Our cosy kitchen
Liz Crichton

Perched in our bus
Liz Crichton
We’re heading south from Sydney towards Victoria and then on to Tassie, and you can follow our adventures in that’s life! Mega Monthly.
Why are we doing this? It’s not only to travel and have fun, but to inspire others to explore our beautiful country.
Mostly, I want juicy stories to tell my grandchildren. When I’m an old lady, I want to feast on the memories of a wonderful life.
And now, we’re sharing our story with you!