
Man’s own surname deemed ‘too offensive’ for his number plate

He’s furious!
Facebook / Lorne Grabher

A man who used his surname on his license plate for over 25 years is furious after authorities cancelled it a single complaint said it was ‘a socially unacceptable slogan’.


Lorne Grabher, from Canada, has had the license plate GRABHER on his car for over 25 years, after purchasing the custom plate for his father’s 65th birthday. Lorne’s dad died in the 1990s, and he has used the plate ever since.

Speaking to CBC, Lorne says he can’t believe his own name was targeted.

‘Where does the province of Nova Scotia and the government of Nova Scotia get the right to discriminate against a person’s name?’ he asks.

An email sent to CBC by the Department of Transportation explained that some people might interpret the plate in a way that promotes violence against women.


‘With no way to denote that it is a family name on the plate, the department determined it was in the public’s best interest to remove it from circulation,’ it reads.

The particular phrase “grab her” is thought to be particularly tasteless considering the statements recorded by US President Donald Trump in relation to women.

But Lorne says it shouldn’t matter.

‘Donald Trump is a totally different person. He’s ignorant. He doesn’t care about anybody and I shouldn’t be put in a class like him,’ he said.


‘I’ve never once had anybody come up to me and say they were offended.’

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