Planning her 40th birthday Rebecca thought she might tie the knot at her vintage themed party.
Here, Rebecca Steele, 40, tells her story in her own words.
Admiring my wedding outfit, it was everything I’d dreamed of as I thought back to when I first met my hubby-to-be.
I’d seen JD, now 53, at a backyard barbecue while I was on holiday.
Living in Sydney at the time, my girlfriends and I were in WA.
JD and I discovered a mutual love of mountain biking and the next day we went for a ride together.
After a two-week whirlwind romance, we decided to give a long-distance relationship a go.
But soon I was packing my whole life in my car and travelling across the country to be with him.
‘Just for a year,’ I told him. ‘We’ll see how it goes.’
Living on the beautiful shores of Margaret River I instantly felt at home and soon JD and I were building a house.
The year quickly flew by and I realised I didn’t want to go back to Sydney.
‘I want to stay with you,’ I told JD.
‘Great, should we have kids then?’ he laughed.
So, we had our son Taashi and our beautiful daughter Sage.
On the 10th anniversary of our first kiss we went to the Western Australia Circus Festival.
Once the show finished, JD suddenly jumped on the stage.
Getting down on one knee, he held out a ring.
‘Yes!’ I grinned, as my cheeks turned pink in the crowd.
Cuddling in the crook of his arm that night I felt like the luckiest woman alive.
Using the diamonds from my mum, step-mum and grandmother’s rings, I designed a more permanent engagement band.
But that was the extent of my wedding plans.

Overwhelmed by how much work and money goes into a wedding we never set a date.
Besides, my 40th birthday was looming.
‘You have to throw a party,’ my friends encouraged.
So I started organising a bash.
Deciding on the theme vintage circus I instantly knew what I wanted to wear.
I ordered a show-girl costume with a white corset, bedazzling head piece, blue hot pants and decorative peacock feathers!
One night, my best friend Donna, 42, was helping me with my party plans.
‘You should get married at the same time,’ she said.
As a wedding celebrant Donna always had weddings on her mind! But as crazy as her thought was, I was totally on board.
‘Why not!’ I grinned.
With just 31 days until the party, we’d have to move fast.
‘JD, we’re getting married next month,’ I told him.
He was stunned.
‘But… what am I going to wear?’ he replied.
While he started looking online, I picked the perfect outfits for Sage, three, and Taashi, seven.
Soon our whole guest list found out and offered to help lend a hand.
My dad Alan, 65, made a kissing booth, my friends hung streamers and filled popcorn cups and Donna donated her services.
The ceremony was being held at a friend’s home, so we turned it into a circus tent.

‘Today’s the big day,’ Dad grinned, kissing me on the cheek.
Staring at my reflection, I straightened my feathers.
My look wasn’t exactly conventional, but I loved it!
‘I’m ready,’ I said turning to Dad, excited.
Dad dressed as a boxer to walk me down the aisle. And as for my man… with his painted white face, red lips and yellow wig, I could barely recognise him!
But I was grinning so much when I met my clown at the altar.
With my little clown doll Sage to the right and my ringmaster Taashi to the left, I was surrounded by those who mean the most to me.
Carefully kissing my husband for the first time, I made sure his face paint wouldn’t ruin mine!

Holding hands, we looked at the crowd – now as a married couple.
Sprawled up the stairs and even out the door, 70 of our closest circus freaks filled the room.
From lions and strongmen, to gypsies and jesters, everyone embraced the colourful theme.
Boogieing on the dance floor we loved that our wedding was anything but traditional.
I even cut the cake on my own!
‘It’s my birthday after all,’ I joked, slicing the popcorn-shaped design.
I wouldn’t have had our day any other way.
And I can’t believe I finally have my happily ever after with a clown!