Jeff loves Rosie’s fuller figure.
Here, Rosie, 23, tells the story in her own words.
Tapping in my password I grinned, excited to log in.
Proud of my curvaceous body, I worked as a plus-size model and posted my photos online. And recently a man named Jeff, 25, had contacted me.
I think you’re so beautiful, he’d written. With piercing blue eyes and muscles, he looked like a star in a music video.
Before I knew it, we were exchanging messages all day and night.
We had so much in common and shared the same silly sense of humour.
But there was one thing about us that couldn’t have been more different… Our bodies!

While Jeff loved the gym and worked out four to six times a week, I weighed 100 kilos.
That was exactly what attracted us to each other though!
There was only one downside – he lived in the Netherlands and I was in Queensland. But speaking over Skype every day, our feelings grew stronger. Then one night, after a year, Jeff called me.
‘I’m coming to see you Rosie,’ he said. ‘I can’t be apart from you for any longer.’
I almost didn’t believe him, but Jeff booked a flight and soon after I was waiting at the airport.
What if he doesn’t like me in real life? I panicked, feeling sick to my stomach.
Just then I spotted him and darted behind the nearest sign. It was too late, he’d already seen me and came over laughing.
Pulling me into his muscular arms for the first time, all my nerves disappeared.
‘We’re finally together,’ I breathed.
Only here for a week, we made the most of every moment. But before Jeff left, he made a decision.
‘I’m moving to Australia to be with you,’ he grinned.
Just six months later, he came back permanently.
Watching films together, Jeff would caress the rolls on my belly.

‘You know, I’d love it if you were even bigger,’ he said.
So, while we relaxed on the sofa in the evenings, I’d scoff chocolates, cakes and biscuits with cups of tea.
Over the next few months, the numbers on the scales crept up and Jeff made me feel sexier than ever before.
Admiring every inch of my expanding body, I had never felt more confident.
In my past relationships, men had teased me for my extra weight, but for Jeff, it drove him wild! He’s what’s known as a feeder. It’s a fetish where someone is attracted to people who gain weight.
First thing, we’d wake up and Jeff would feed me a large cooked breakfast of avo on toast, yoghurt, muffins or pastries before he went to the gym.
For lunch, I ate a takeaway and at dinnertime I’d cook a delicious hearty meal.
Throughout the day, I snacked on fruit and crackers. Then at night, Jeff would feed me lollies.
Soon I’d put on 20 kilos, then 30, and we loved the difference between our bodies even more.
But I wasn’t just doing it for Jeff – I was doing it for me.I feel so beautiful, I thought.

Then in April, when we’d been together a year, we were on the balcony at a hotel overlooking the Brisbane river when Jeff got down on one knee.
‘I love you Rosie, this is something that I never thought I would want in my life, but will you marry me?’ he asked nervously. ‘Yes!’ I screamed, tears flooding from my eyes.
We’re getting married this month.
Since being with Jeff, I’ve gained 70 kilos and now weigh 170 kilos and wear a size 26.
At 81 kilos, Jeff is half my size. When we’re out, strangers sometimes stare. Other people have accused me of being lazy or unhealthy. But Jeff and I love hiking, swimming and going to the beach and I don’t have diabetes or other health problems.

Everyone finds happiness in their own way and for us this is how we are the most fulfilled in our lives. You should not try to please others around you by sacrificing your own happiness.
To be with someone who loves me for who I am and makes me feel beautiful in my own skin every day is truly the most incredible feeling ever.
Read more in this week’s issue of that’s life, on sale now.