A baby who has become a poster child for anti-vaccination movements died from asphyxiation while co-sleeping and not from vaccinations.
Evee Gayle Clobes tragically passed away on March 1 2019 at just six months old after being rushed to emergency.
Her mum, Catelin Clobes, 30, is an enthusiastic member of the anti-vaccination community in the USA as she claims that her little girl’s death was caused by vaccinations she had 36 hours earlier.
However, NBC News has revealed that her cause of death was ruled by a medical examiner as ‘positional asphyxiation’ and ‘co-sleeping on an adult bed’.
Evee’s face adorns billboards bearing the phrase ‘HEALTHY BABIES DON’T JUST DIE’ with a link to an anti-vaccination website.

The night before Evee died, Catelin Clobes breastfed her baby girl before laying Evee down on a queen bed they shared.
When Catelin woke next to her baby the following morning, Evee was cold to touch and by the time they got to emergency she was pronounced dead.
‘This can’t be real,’ Catelin told an operator. ‘This is because she was sleeping with me.’

According to a report by the Wright County Sheriff’s Office, Evee was showing a ‘pooling of the blood on the right arm and chest area’ and ‘white pressure areas on the face of Evee were consistent with a child that would have been on her face.’
Since her baby’s death, as well as placing Evee’s face on billboards, Catelin has spoken in the media and posted on her Facebook group about losing her baby due to vaccinations.
After the NBC piece was released, Catelin took to her Facebook page to address the article and another piece that appeared in the Daily Mail.
‘I had my child injected 7 months ago, and then she died in 36 hours from them!’ Catelin wrote. ‘How am I labeled an anti-vaxxer?? Not that it’s a bad thing. I’ll embrace it, I suppose.’

Vaccinations can cause mild side effects including pain, redness or swelling in the area where the needle has pierced the skin, and mild fever, but not death.
Medical information from nearly 1.5 million children around the world have confirmed that vaccination does not cause autism.
In Australia, vaccines must pass strict safety testing before the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) will register them for use. Approval of vaccines can take up to 10 years.