A photo which appears to show a baby taking a drag off of a cigarette held to their mouth has prompted outrage from those who saw it.
The picture, which appears to have been posted on Instagram before being shared on Reddit, shows a toddler inhaling a lit cigarette, captions ‘trying brittnies cig hahaha’ before in brackets.
Clearly aware that the photo would be controversial, the posted added in brackets: ‘and for everyone getting offended over this she only had one puff of the thing and barely inhaled it was for a joke photo’.
Understandably, no one found the joke funny, with commenters saying the baby should be taken from that person’s care.
Another person said: ‘This is the kind of thing you report to the authorities.’
In the era of Photoshop and internet hoaxes, some people suggested that the image wasn’t real and the caption could have been invented to upset people on purpose.
Do you think it’s real?