If you think you spoil your fur baby, you might want to up your game.
This year, a British woman has lavished her pet dog with 68 presents for Christmas, valued at around AU$1,740.
Helena Mueller, 38, from Cambridgeshire, admits that she’s spent more on her pet cockapoo, Lola, than her six-year-old son, Harry.
“She’s changed my life so much,” Helena explained to The Sun.
“We got her because I have an only child, Harry, who was four at the time.”
“I do love my Lola more than Harry.”
“This year, she’s definitely getting more gifts than Harry… I tried to hide that from Harry last year, but this time it’s so obvious because there’s so many!” she said.
Some of Lola’s luxury gifts include a AUD$30 Goldilocks doll, an AUD$80 box of her favourite fish skin treats, doggy ‘cologne’ and a food dehydrator, valued at AUD$257.
It all makes complete sense to Helena.
“You know, Lola never moans about homework, and she never complains about what’s for dinner,” she said.
“She had her first snow yesterday, and I came in and realised I hadn’t taken any pictures of Harry but had absolutely loads of Lola, and that’s what always happens!”
Helena admits that she’s “obsessive” about her dog.
“I don’t disturb her if she’s asleep, like if she’s cuddled up on me on the sofa and I want something, I call Mark and make him get it.”
When she’s not shopping for Christmas presents, Helena likes to dress Lola in matching pyjamas and jackets and pampers her with hour-long grooming sessions and luxury pet products.
This article originally appeared on Better Homes & Gardens.