I sell poo for a living

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An entrepreneur in Maine, USA, is making money from moose poo!

Mary Winchenbach runs a business called Tirdy Works where she sells artwork made from moose droppings.

‘Everyone goes to the bathroom, so everyone can relate to that,’ Mary told a local TV station.

The popular ‘Poo Poo Clock’ features a nugget of moose poo spaced between each number on a wooden clock face.

‘So that’s one-turdy, two-turdy, three-turdy…’ Mary explains.

Poo earrings!

Moose can expel between 200 to 400 nuggets at a time, so the $7 per nugget Mary makes means finding a pile of poo is worth celebrating.

‘I get excited when I see a turd,’ Mary says.

Read more in this week’s issue of that’s life, on sale now.

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