
‘Gender reveal party shooting’ victim wasn’t even pregnant

Police are furious after wasting time on irrelevant leads.

Reports of a terrifying shooting that took place during a gender reveal party in which the pregnant mother claimed to have suffered a miscarriage has taken a surprising twist – the woman was never pregnant.


It was widely reported that Cheyanne Willis had tragically lost her baby that night, after being shot in the leg. Another 8 people were shot, including Autumn Garret, 22, who died on the scene.

Police have revealed that there was no baby, reports the Cincinnati Herald.

A press release from Colerain Township Police Chief Mark Denney read: ‘Sadly, the police department, media and public have been given information we have found to be false.’


‘We were led to believe an unborn child was murdered in this incident only to find out that was not the case.’

Hours before the shooting occurred at the party, Willis announced ‘It’s a boy’ on her Facebook profile. Police say they have no idea why she would have held a party for baby did not exist.

Arrests are yet to be made over the incident.


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