
Five-month-old the ‘victim of a horrific crime’ after damning coroners report

What happened to baby Michael?
Facebook / In Memory of Michael Smedley

A baby who died of a ‘traumatic head injury’ may have been the victim of a horrific crime according to a coroner’s report.


In 2012, five-month-old Michael Smedley was in the care of his mother’s friends in Alice Springs when they found him unconscious and not breathing.

Paramedics were unable to revive the baby.

Doctors who examined Michael became suspicious of an attack after discovering 26 bruises on the baby’s body, damage to his anus, and traces of semen and blood in his nappy.


The official cause of death was ruled as a ‘traumatic head injury’, consistent with Shaken Baby Syndrome.

One of the carer’s said the baby had wriggled off of the change table but was caught before he hit the floor – however medical experts say the injuries are not consistent with a fall in any case.

The matter has been referred back to police for investigation.

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