A terrifying video released by the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service in the UK has warned parents of the risk of highly flammable Halloween costumes.
The video opens with, ‘Children’s Halloween costumes are classed as toys. They don’t go through the same fire and safety tests regular clothes do.’
Various Halloween costumes are then set alight to show the importance for the ‘CE’ label on all children’s Halloween costumes this Halloween.
‘CE’ stands for Conformité Européene and is a European standard which indicates the product conforms with health, safety, and environmental protection standards.
For Australian trick or treaters, costumes are classified under the categories they fall into. Dress-ups that are worn and made from textiles are considered clothing and accessories including masks and accompanying props are considered toys.
While there is no Australian equivalent to the European ‘CE’ label, parents should keep this warning in mind when preparing for Halloween this year.
Kids Health recommends that if your child’s costume does catch fire, you tell them to “STOP, DROP, COVER face and ROLL.”
This article originally appeared on New Idea.