
Boyfriend’s shocking final text before cheerleader fell to her death

Screams were heard before the 21-year-old plunged from the 11th storey balcony
Supplied - Sunday Night

Neighbours of Gold Coast cheerleader, Breeana Robinson, say the heard a scream ‘like something out of a horror film’ moments before she plunged from her 11th floor balcony.


The 21-year-old died in 2013 after falling from the high-rise apartment she shared with her boyfriend, Dan Shearin, 40. She had only lived with him for 38 days.

In an interview with Channel 7’s Sunday Night, Shearin admits he told ‘little white lies’, including lying about his age when he met Bree, who was legally blind from a congenital eye condition.

While their relationship was volatile and Shearin, now 44, has a lengthy criminal history that includes apprehended violence orders and domestic violence orders filed by multiple women against him, he claims he is not a dangerous man.

‘I wouldn’t say I’m a dangerous man, I’d say I’m an asshole,’  Shearin said.


Shearin claims his girlfriend committed suicide and had been depressed. But text messages between the pair told a different story.

‘You’re more interested in TV, food and everything else but your partner,’ Shearin wrote to Bree on the night she died.

‘Your priorities are f**ked up.’

In another text message Shearin said: ‘You’re a complete f***ing moron. I don’t want a stupid, dumb c**t.’

Dan Shearin
Dan Shearin (Credit: Sunday Night)

Neighbours also claim that before Bree fell, they heard the pair arguing and furniture scraping.

‘Yelling, screaming. It was just something like a horror film,” Bree’s neighbour, Ben – who lived in the apartment below – told Sunday Night.

‘All of a sudden, we heard a loud piercing scream come over the balcony and a ‘no’. She went past, and the scream was horrific.’


But Shearin claimed it was just a ‘silly little disagreement’.

‘It wasn’t a screaming match. There wasn’t any hateful kind of words or anything other than the text messages I sent,’ Shearin said.

While the building security manager, Gordon Cassidy, and another resident tried desperately to perform CPR on Bree, Shearin allegedly told them he was thirsty and going back upstairs for a drink. He didn’t try to help his girlfriend as she lay dying, appearing indifferent.


He also called his lawyer, who arrived at the scene at the same time as paramedics.

Mr Cassidy said he also found it strange Shearin was neatly dressed when he came downstairs after Bree fell, when he had claimed he was in bed at the time.

‘He came down fully dressed – shoes, socks, shoes tied up,’ Mr Cassidy said.

‘If that was me, I’d be running down in my jocks straight away after her.’


After his girlfriend’s death, Shearin also headed off on a holiday to Bali that he was meant to take with Bree.

While Shearin plead guilty to harassing Bree with 1439 text messages in the leadup to her death, he only served 11 days of a two-month sentence, that was overturned on appeal.

No one has been convicted over Bree’s death, but an inquest is now planned.


If you or someone you know needs help, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.

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