New mum Raye Lee, has taken to social media to change people’s minds about emergency Caesarean surgery being ‘the easy way out’ for mums.
After first warning that the post is both long and dramatic, Raye pokes fun at those who suggest she ‘didn’t actually give birth’ and that ‘it must have been nice to take the easy way out like that.’
She sarcastically explains that her c-section was entirely convenient – following nearly 40 hours of labour before her unborn son became distressed and doctors feared he wouldn’t survive a canal birth.

Raye goes on to say that she had been given every reason to expect a smooth birth without surgery – but that when the time came she had no choice to save the life of her son.
She then paints a picture of the brutal reality she was faced with, along with photos of her scar after her son’s birth.
‘This was the most painful thing I have experienced in my life.
I now belong to a badass tribe of mamas with the scar to prove that I had a baby cut out of me and lived to tell the tale (because you can die from this, you know).’
Support for her post has poured in, with hundreds of comments sharing similar stories and Raye is delighted that awareness of the reality of emergency c-sections is growing.
She adds, ‘I am not weak. I am a warrior.’