An obese woman, 75, was rescued from the living room chair she’d been in for seven months after getting stuck.
Emergency services were called to the home of Barbara Foster, who had apparently been stuck in her living room chair since July according to the Lucas County Sheriff’s report.
The report added that her skin was moulded to the chair’s shape and she was surrounded by excrement. The house was apparently so filthy her rescuers were wearing protective suits.
Barbara was apparently so overweight and physically weak that when emergency staff attempted to move her, some of her bones actually broke, reports the Toledo Blade.
She was discovered by a fellow churchgoer who had been bringing Barbara food for the last 10 years. Her neighbours say it had been years since they’d seen her at all.
The Area Office on Aging spokesperson, Pam Wilson, says had they known about Barbara’s situation they would have been able to get her help.
‘To see somebody not be connected [to services] just kind of breaks your heart,’ she said.