Psychic astrologer Kris Fontaine guides us through this week in astrology and what the planets have in store for your star sign.
March 21 – April 20
Aren’t you the picture of wellness, self-change or extreme creativity, Aries? Well, just wait until you see what gifts have your name on them. The value of the house, apartment or van could be higher than you first thought.
Lucky numbers 10, 11, 29
April 21 – May 21
Searching for the ideal place to set up shop, educate the kids or totally relocate? Your body is your trusted gauge. It indicates if somewhere gets a big tick or hard cross. Make table room for new in-laws.
Lucky numbers 31, 44, 45
May 22 – June 21
Are you working with people who aren’t up to your level of Christmas creativity, Gemini? It’s why production is slow. On the flip side, your life is illuminated by a satisfying situationship, amazing ally or communicative child.
Lucky numbers 1, 7, 9
June 22 – July 23
Ignoring financial glitches along the road to a family-friendly festive event may mean detracting from your fanfare. Locking lips with ‘the one’ or celebrating with a returned relative means everything.
Lucky numbers 16, 33, 41
July 24 – August 23
Be your usual unapologetic self when showing up late for the festivities, Leo, because what’s in your bag will simply delight the crowd. Set up your chill-out space to accommodate a wonderful new addition.
Lucky numbers 3, 6, 24
August 24 – September 23
Festive accessorising of the family table with your outfit or your sensible gifts is essential, Virgo. But maybe leave the taking of too many selfies until things settle down. The spark between you and a newbie is palpable.
Lucky numbers 20, 28, 37
September 24 – October 23
Looking externally for recognition is how you roll, Libra, but a look within could assist you to address that festive issue on repeat. Indulge your urge to hug someone, raise a taboo topic or double-up on dessert.
Lucky numbers 18, 23, 36
October 24 – November 22
Emotional risks aren’t an uncommon theme for you, Scorpio, and this one is framed to make your festive celebrations unforgettable. An introduction calls for restraint, a witty retort or an instant chair change.
Lucky numbers 26, 27, 42
November 23 – December 21
You might have difficulty deciding who receives what, who to invite to the family dining room, or how to make someone feel welcome, Sagittarius. But you’ll have fun doing it. Pause prior to spilling your planned projects.
Lucky numbers 19, 35, 40
December 22 – January 20
Don’t let past festive family performances dictate how you cater to loved ones’ requests, who you have at your home, or where you plan to travel. Stellar green flags fly with a dating profile or pregnancy plan.
Lucky numbers 2, 17, 38
January 21 – February 19
Still can’t decide who escorts you to the family festivities, sits at the head of your tinselled table or hogs the couch? Fortunately, an epiphany holds the answer. It boils down to how much you want an unexpected work offer.
Lucky numbers 11, 39, 43
February 20 – March 20
All set for the school of little Fishies attending your festivities? Don’t be too hard on yourself, Pisces, they’ll be happy just to see your face. Decluttering your inbox or desk drawer reveals a missed chance at romance.
Lucky numbers 4, 8, 28
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