
Your 2025 Horoscopes: What does the zodiac have in store?

Psychic astrologer Kris Fontaine reveals what 2025 has in store for your star sign
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General 2025 Forecast

Wakey, wakey! With Neptune firing into Aries from March 2025, giving us a taste of what confidence means, expect initiative, bravery and extreme movement to be served sweet nationally, globally and at your table. No more sweeping issues under the carpet, floating on fantasy or living in denial. It’s a vibrant new era of trends, fashion and diminishing conflict.

Leaving behind the deceptive, wishy-washy tidal wave of Neptune in Pisces, those in high places fire up their assertive mode to deliver peace, harmony and do-able living costs nationally and worldwide. This fiercely flows over into domestic domains. Await a new blast of spirituality to rear its head. And with Aries ruling the head zone, renewing your ‘do, repairing your teeth, morphing your features or rebooting your brain (no doubt with AI in the picture) might be the rage.

Joining the peace mix during the June-July period, Jupiter and Saturn lock lips to contribute a little extra as far as bringing calm where there was conflict, and good fortune where there was struggle. Uranus making happy hay with Pluto in September seconds this, and seriously demonstrates a possible wealth explosion.



March 21 – April 20

Your year ahead
Say bye-bye to a tedious situation between February and May, Aries, providing space for more favourable elements that automatically restart your zest for life and reinstate fresh fodder for creativity. Are you ready for co-parenting, living small or serious travel from September or November? It’s an option you clearly need to contemplate.

Love & family
You are freed up to enjoy family and friend connections in March, but tying up loose ends is part of the deal. At a meeting with loved ones, new bonds are made and an announcement simply floors you. June or August highlights new or revised romance.


Luck & money
Dollars land in your lap around February to March with a work offer, shared inheritance or property sale. Trying your luck at that new sport, hobby or venture? January or December kicks this off.

Lucky numbers
9, 15, 35



April 21 – May 21


Your year ahead
After some dark clouds in 2024, welcome a more grounded, successful and emotionally fulfilling year. As March makes itself known, expect your vision board to make a real-life entrance. Love matters make a hopeful appearance in June to September, with unexpected liaisons and sudden leaps of faith taking place.

Love & family
Power to you as you use January to initiate a residential search, family reunion or engagement surprise for a loved one. Be fierce in July if hitting off dating or sealing the deal with your beloved. Put yourself first and let extended family fend for themselves.

Luck & money
April or November sees you super-confident that a money-merge with your romantic partner, beautiful bestie or special relative could bring a fine finality to both of your big goals.

Lucky numbers
1, 17, 20



May 22 – June 21

Your year ahead
Remember when constantly switching things up was all the rage for you? A distant memory it seems, Gemini, as 2024 disappears and 2025 announces stability, security and settlement across most zones of your life. You see the back of toxic choices and individuals who clearly contributed to dishevelment, as a new year roll in.

Love & family
Step up the quality of your online work or dating profile from January. You’re ready for a good job that pays the bills and then some, or a healthy relationship that comes with what’s been lacking for so long. A deep dive into the share market is April’s family affair.

Luck & money
How long have you been saving for that deposit? It’s good news in June or September when a property has your name on it, that big buy is in your lounge room or a family holiday is booked.


Lucky numbers
10, 44, 45



June 22 – July 23

Your year ahead
You so lose your shell, crabs! Between March and June, you’re more than willing to revamp and retry last year’s presentation that didn’t quite fly, or mix with creative companions who match your vision. A tasty opportunity that includes fixing your finances, restarting a business or agreeing to a terrific transfer is worth contemplation.


Love & family
News of a pregnancy, marriage or divorce puts you in a spin in the January-February period. Crawling down memory lane in August or October leads you to a past involvement, distant relative or old friendship with a chance to right some wrongs.

Luck & money
You find the financial formula to fake-it-until-you-make-it during the April-May time slot. Sharpening your skills or style makes you more attractive to those you hope to impress.

Lucky numbers
30, 34, 42



July 24 – Aug 23

Your year ahead
Courtesy of April’s major financial, family or health weight shifting from your shoulders, Leo, your pace of life zooms up the charts, your income increases, and your intimate world starts to soar. You suddenly have a handle on whatever and whoever you felt out of your depth with in 2024.

Love & family
Is your current relationship, obvious admirer or ex-partner on the same page regarding next steps, dating etiquette or shared parental duties? Creating clear boundaries as the June-July period arrives guarantees a more fulfilling 2025 overall.

Luck & money
April-May states those financial flips have made an imprint. Your ability to make a packet from creative ideas, increase income with a home business, or work with others more amicably ramps up.


Lucky numbers
3, 6, 11



Aug 24 – Sep 23

Your year ahead
Are you torn between what you hope to manifest in 2025 and what your loved ones desire? It’s your time to enjoy life, Virgo, and make the most of what it has to offer. Be the boss and let your visions rule in the January-to-April period. Tackling a body issue gets full marks.


Love & family
A sad situationship, robotic relationship or hopeless hook-up ends in March or July as you rely on your power to make healthier choices. If you’ve been used to facing family time with gritted teeth, October-to-December shows a new tone to interactions.

Luck & money
As May sets in, it’s possible to buy a little luxe, enjoy a getaway or donate to charity. A break in July-August’s financial weather could mean an online sale, car upgrade or a home purchase.

Lucky numbers
13, 27, 29



Sep 24 – Oct 23

Your year ahead
Your 2025 celestial outline consists of elements you haven’t had in your life for what seems like ages, or maybe not at all. Opportunities to reconnect with people you thought were so last century, a chance to relaunch a money-spinning strategy, or an opening to finally reveal your perfect personal transformation take precedence.

Love & family
Relationships warm up after a year-long cold spell, Libra, with January and October being key months to begin a balanced relationship, create better vibes with your special person or jump on the dating circuit with your reinvented appearance.

Luck & money
Your generosity with assisting loved ones with their financial plan indirectly puts you in touch with the property market, gives you a nice win, or brings success in a zone that brings a buzz.


Lucky numbers
14, 23, 25



Oct 24 – Nov 22

Your year ahead
Until you receive a 2025 sign to manage outstanding projects – that could catapult you into a healthier lifestyle, solid relationship or an easier daily routine – stay put. If your super stinger has immobilised someone or something’s progress, Scorpio, it’s in everyone’s best interest to forgive, let go and reclaim your boss spirit.


Love & family
As you explore a new pool of singles, try refreshed relating with your chosen one, or choose singledom at a new level, Scorpio, expect to move forward with a new sense of self in March to June. A strayed relative or friend might return in February or October.

Luck & money
Your financial plan looks shady in January or September but that won’t stop you digging for a way out. By March or November, money matters could be back on track with a extra boost.

Lucky numbers
5, 7, 28



Nov 23 – Dec 21

Your year ahead
Cease horsing around, Sagittarius! As 2025 does a one-eighty turn, reciprocal respect goes a long way in boosting your private life, family world or work arena from January. It’s your year to make a name for yourself, accomplish challenges or blitz a learning program. Your inner philosopher sees the positive in October’s chaos.

Love & family
Putting yourself first finally? Before you try tackling family members’ tasks or requests in March or September, contemplate how this could affect your improved health or downtime. Between May and July, it’s game on for sincere love to stream your way.

Luck & money
Be sure the blinkers are off so you don’t miss a monetary trick in May-June. It’s team Sagittarius in August or November when a group syndicate or investment pays dividends.


Lucky numbers
32, 36, 43


Dec 22 – Jan 20

Your year ahead
Reckon you’re ready to kickstart a fresh life phase inclusive of the fun and stimulation you’ve only read about on your socials or written in blogs? By chopping constrictive connections from your circle within the April-to-June period you take the necessary action. Don’t underestimate those fitness routines or healthy habits.


Love & family
Is it possible to morph a part-time partnership into something more permanent, or a smothering situation into a casual affair? From August to October, you’re shown more satisfying options. How about white noise to make household tasks more fun?

Luck & money
Once you tick off the last of your 2024 to-do list in January-February, your 2025 vacay is good to go. That payment, pay rise or inheritance you’ve been waiting on shows signs of manifesting.

Lucky numbers
21, 26, 33



Jan 21 – Feb 19

Your year ahead
Reflect on how last year’s decisions ticked most of your personal growth and ambition boxes, Aquarius, then apply the same strategies to the five-star prospects appearing in February or May. All doubts are erased concerning those family plans, financial choices and possible fashion faux pas.

Love & family
To rewrite elements of your past and stride into a socially active 12 months, link up with long-time friends or distant relatives who featured in your story. Whether June or October mean downsizing or travelling, your babe and babies are right with you.

Luck & money
The buzz of an investment or rental assessment in February or July means chatting about your best options. In the mix is extra work from an employer, networker or at-home project.

Lucky numbers
16, 37, 38



Feb 20 – Mar 20

Your year ahead
Breaking through 2025, and reflecting your extreme personal development, is a stream of residential improvements, work upgrades or family expansions. Of course you want an upscale on 2024’s financial flip-flop or relationship rethink, Pisces, which makes the April-to-July stretch your time to shine in this arena.

Love & family
Your love-life’s tone in May or June involves a deep dive into whether you stay or go with a long-distance romance, how much you’re prepared to give a newbie, or if you in fact prefer the solitary life. Family relationships and firm friendships fly in July or November.

Luck & money
Why not promote your skills, talents or services in January or November? This could activate monetary growth and more life structure, and you’ll have heart-and-soul energy to contribute.

Lucky numbers

4, 8, 12


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