Aries March 21 – April 20

Strap yourself in for some unexpected flips. Your taste in everything that caters to your appearance, furnishes your home, or satisfies your inquiring mind takes a right-hand turn early in the month. You literally begin a self-reinvention cycle, Aries, which could switch up your life in a variety of remarkable ways. Some financial news gives you the travel itch, takes you ring shopping, or brings distant family together later in the month.
Taurus April 21 – May 21

Is it time to go back to a more solid lifestyle, begin a more suitable career, or start a more fitting relationship, Taurus? Gently ease yourself into this exciting new chapter mid-month, while staying positive, keeping your nose pointed in the right direction, and jumping into a workout program. Try to understand loved ones’ or co-workers’ perspectives after you announce your locked-in plans, repeat a rumour, or cancel a get-together late-month.
Gemini May 22 – June 21

Is your love life craving a boost? Make some serious effort early in the month, Gemini, and it’ll be a cinch to get the buzz back with your partner, or kick things off with a box-ticking newbie, as mid-month takes shape. Towards the month’s end, you get a firm handle on a familial legal issue, saving for a home deposit or holiday, or building a beneficial bond with someone. Dare yourself to plaster a big smile on your face.
Cancer June 22 – July 23

As your dollar domain shows signs of gradually filling up early-month, Cancer, it’s no surprise when a spending spree, holiday plans, or a further education program comes up. Be prepared to compromise with determined family members, straight-talking colleagues, or your faithful other-half. You could see your desired results manifesting by late-month. A well-paid work opportunity could hit your inbox or leave a voice message.
Leo July 24 – August 23

Are you eager to take the plunge, but shaking a bit like a kitten? There’s absolutely zero reason why you shouldn’t at least get your big toe wet early in the month, Leo, as by late-month you could blitz that home project, come off the singles’ market, or watch a financial investment soar high. A friend, colleague or neighbour suddenly does a 360 degree turn on a matter that you had figured was locked and loaded against your wishes.
Virgo August 24 – September 23

Are you searching for someone who is your fit, can carry their load, and offer you some security, Virgo? Strangely and surprisingly, they could be slipping into your messages, working beside you, or living locally, as mid-month shows up. Contentedly connected? Spill your feelings about growing your family, adopting a fur-baby, or an older relative moving in. You make quite an impression on someone you haven’t seen for what feels like forever.
Libra September 24 – October 23

As your month begins, concentrate on a physically challenging activity, someone who ticks only selected boxes, or a job that featured in your early history. You’re likely to get someone’s complete attention mid-month, but avoid repeatedly responding to phone pings or talking at someone instead of to them. Lurking at the back of your mind is the answer to a burning financial question.
Scorpio October 24 – November 22

Are your current aspirations realistic, Scorpio? There’s a chance you’re being swayed by less-than-perfect advice or pie-in-the-sky opportunities mid-month. This calls for a reality check followed by a realignment of your goal line. Mending bridges with an elderly relative, cheeky teen, or estranged friend proves especially good for your health as your month reaches its finale.
Sagittarius November 23 – December 21

It’s clearly payback time early-month. Your good karma reinstates you to a position you recently lost, restores a relationship you wrote off, or provides you with a comeback you felt would never happen. As your month progresses, it’s important to actively listen to what a family member is telling you, an offspring’s latest story, or your local MP’s promises. It might completely shift your residential plans or edit your travel itinerary.
Capricorn December 22-January 20

It’s a cyclical Capricorn thing returning to the same place, same person or similar experience. Passion climbs as you rekindle a romantic connection, reinvent your working world, or reintroduce yourself to a money-spinning idea early in the month. Consider searching your family tree midway through the month, as you may find confirmation as to who you inherited an unusual talent from. Late-month contains an out-of-the-blue monetary boost.
Aquarius January 21 – February 19

The landscape of your life early-month reflects your personal transformation, includes that person who’s been on your mind, and features activities that scream monetary gain. Keeping mum about a family secret, office gossip, or your experience with a certain someone mid-month makes more sense than sharing. Late-month asks you to keep your genius under wraps if you plan to be popular.
Pisces February 20 – March 20

f you want your month to kick off with a bang, Pisces, let your emotions free, be open to socialising and keep your head well above water through self-love and those new self-improvement exercises you’re putting into place. A situation you figured had perhaps reached a stalemate shows signs of fresh new life late-month. Once again, as awkward as it may feel at times, its success is reliant on you letting your durable walls tumble all the way down.
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