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Classic Cheese Fondue

Say cheese!

Dip your favourite nibbles in this rich and delicious creamy cheese fondue!




Rub a peeled clove of garlic around the inside of medium saucepan, pour in 1 cup dry white wine or stock, bring to simmering point.


Place 2 tablespoons cornflour into a bowl and mix in 2 cups each grated Emmental cheese and Gruyere cheese.


Add cheese mixture gradually to the pan, stirring between additions. Season with nutmeg, sea salt and pepper.


Season with nutmeg, sea salt and pepper. Transfer to a fondue pot and serve with cubes of French stick and gherkins.


If you don’t have a fondue pot-use a heavy based pan and place onto the centre of the table on a wooden board-it will keep warm for a while, just return to the stove to reheat if needed.

Cooked meats like cubed ham, pastrami, dried sausages are ideal for dipping into cheese fondues.

White wine and lemon juice are good additions to the cheese-shredded mozzarella is a good base to add flavourings like mustard, grated horseradish and spices.

Adding, fresh herbs, flavoured cheese or a dash of Tabasco sauce easily varies a cheese fondue. Serving with some blanched vegies, cooked sausages or some gherkins-makes it into a meal-simply add a green salad on the side.

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