Woman is DUMPED after taking off makeup and revealing her acne

Her boyfriend claimed she was 'leading him on' by wearing makeup

A woman has asked the internet for their thoughts after claiming her boyfriend DUMPED her because she has acne.

The unnamed 20-year-old took to Reddit to explain she had hormonal pimples, which she usually covered up with makeup.

She went on several dates with her then-boyfriend, 20, before going on a weekend trip where she ditched her makeup.

‘This weekend, me, the guy and a few of our mutual friends went on a backpacking trip and he saw me with no make-up for the first time,’ she wrote.

‘At first, he didn’t say anything, just looked at me a bit weird. When we were alone, he just told me that he didn’t know I had acne like that. After that, he’s been acting distant the whole trip.’

‘When we got home that night, he said that it would be for the best to stop seeing each other because he doesn’t like me anymore. As the very last thing, he said that I shouldn’t lead people on like that,’ she added.

(Credit: Reddit)

The upset woman asked her internet friends if she was really ‘catfishing’ her dates by wearing makeup.

‘It haunts me that he thinks I’m catfishing people and I wonder if anyone else feels the same way,’ she said.

‘I wear make-up because I’m not the biggest fan of my acne and because it makes me feel a bit more confident.’

Reddit users jumped to her defence, slamming the unknown man for his ridiculously high standards and for shaming her acne.

‘If you get with someone and expect them to never have a blemish or some pimples, you have unrealistic expectations and are asking to be let down forever,’ one person wrote.

What do you think?

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