
Woman gives birth in front seat of the car

She's so quiet her husband doesn't notice!
Ellen Keene

Little Esme Keene looks as if she doesn’t have a care in the world. But when she grows up her mum will tell her about her eventful birth!


Ellen Keene, from New Zealand, has told how she delivered her baby daughter in the front seat of her husband’s car without making a sound.

‘I was like “um, you need to pull over, she’s here” and he was still doing 60 kilometres an hour. I said “no, she’s here, now”.’

The mum-of-two said her labour lasted just four hours most of which she spent in the bath singing Beatles songs. When she finally got in the car to go to hospital she realised her baby was very close to being delivered


‘I remember waiting for streetlights to know that we were nearly at the hospital and as I am doing that, I’m very quiet, I didn’t make any noise in the car, and then I felt the head.’

Esme was born weighing 3.54 kilos and Ellen says all she could do was hold her and keep her warm.

Source: New Idea

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