Father watches as his wife pleads guilty to killing their 23-month-old twins

It was just two days after Christmas.

A mum of 23-month-old twins who were discovered dead in their beds has pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.

According to the BBC, Samantha Ford, 38, appeared at the Old Bailey in London, UK, on May 28 to enter her plea.

She didn’t speak apart from to confirm her name and enter the guilty plea. 

Samantha Ford’s husband, the twin’s father, watched on as his wife admitted to killing their babies.

Samantha and Steven Ford with twins Chloe and Jake. (Credit: Facebook.)

Twins Jake and Chloe Ford were found dead on December 27 2018.

They were discovered after Samantha Ford had a collision with a lorry at 2:50am and told rescuers to check her home because her babies were there. Pathologists believe they died the day before.

Their devastated father has since posted tributes to social media in which he talks of his loss. In one he wrote:

‘My children were everything to me. They were my world… I made a promise to Jake and Chloe that I’ll be the best man that I can be. It starts today. Jake and Chloe forever xx’

In court, prosecutors asked for a court hearing to be held on June 10 at which the Crown could confirm if her guilty pleas could be accepted. Samantha Ford will be remanded in custody until then. 

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