With an average age of 82, these 50 residents at the Julia Wallace Retirement Village in Palmerston North have gifted the world with their shot-by-shot recreation of Tay Tay’s hit song. The Zimmer frames and lawn bowls adding a bit of creative flair.

Inspired by a resident in Christchurch who performed a spectacular rendition of Pharrell’s ‘Happy’ the cheeky grans and gramps were helped by the centre staff and family to put together the video for a bit of fun and exercise.

80odd yearsofhappy / YouTube

80odd yearsofhappy / YouTube

80odd yearsofhappy / YouTube
Marge Gregory is front and centre throughout, miming Taylor Swift’s lyrics. Speaking to ONE News, she says “It was a great team effort with everyone here and I’ve never laughed so much. It’s certainly not what I thought I’d ever be doing in a retirement village.”

Corporate Affairs Manager for Ryman Healthcare, David King, says the residents aren’t slowing down and have another project in the works – but we’ll have to wait to see these plucky pops and nans bust their next move!