
Pregnant doctor helps woman give birth while in labour herself

"It’s life-affirming that there are these women out there watching out for other women"

A pregnant doctor in Kentucky who was preparing to give birth has heroically rushed to the aid of another mum-to-be.


Obstetrician Amanda Hess was about to be induced at Frankfort Regional Medical Center in Kentucky when she heard the screams of another woman down the hall, local news stationLEX18 reports.

“I had actually taken a call the day before, so I thought really that I was working up to the last minute. But this was literally ’til the last second,” she explains.


The woman, Leah Halliday-Johnson happened to be one of Hess’s patients. The on-call doctor was currently out of the building.  

“I put on some boots over my flip flops and found another gown to cover myself up and did put my stuff to deliver on and delivered a baby,” Dr. Hess recounted.

The obstetrician helped deliver a healthy baby girl before giving birth to a daughter of her own just hours later.


“It’s life-affirming that there are these women out there watching out for other women,” Halliday-Johnson told PEOPLE. “[Dr Hess] has made me feel good about life.”

This article first published on Marie Claire.

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