Police in Wales have come under fire online after posting an image of their English breakfast, and the reason is seriously shocking!
The image was tweeted by the North Wales Police Rural Crime Team, which depicted a large English fry-up of sausages, bacon, eggs, beans, mushrooms and toast, and was captioned: ‘Not bad eh…not one egg broken…let the team meeting begin.’
Most social media users saw the humour in the post – except for one.
One twitter user took serious offence to the photo, calling the post ‘thoughtless.’
Twitter user Diana wrote, ‘Speaking as a taxpayer I’d prefer them to be less selective when answering questions and perhaps not post breakfast pics that offend vegetarian/vegan followers – pretty thoughtless.’
It wasn’t long until the North Wales Police Rural Crime Team were forced to respond.
With a new image of the breakfast, with baked beans, toast, egg and mushroom, as well as a line of tomato sauce draw underneath it, the caption read: ‘At some point you have to draw a line under it.’
This article originally appeared on New Idea.