Picture of elderly lady standing on train outrages the internet – but there is a twist

'No consideration for the elderly at all'

A photograph of an elderly lady standing on a train has sparked the outrage of the internet – but not all is as it seems.

A Sydney man shared the controversial image on Facebook, showing an old woman standing on a packed train in Sydney while younger commuters sat nearby.

Hundreds of people quickly condemned the other train passengers, claiming it was disrespectful not to offer an elderly person a seat.

‘Absolutely pathetic,’ one man wrote. ‘No consideration for the elderly at all.’

Others described it as ‘disgusting’ and ‘sad’.

But soon after the photo went viral, a person claiming to be the woman’s grandson has disputed the narrative.

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(Credit: Getty Images)

He told radio station 2GB that his grandmother was waiting to get off at the next stop.

‘The mature age lady was preparing to disembark at the next station – she’s my nanna,’  the man told 2GB’s Ben Fordham.

Howard Collins, CEO of Sydney Trains, also told 2GB that the story proves pictures can be deceiving. 

‘A picture, whilst it might tell you a thousand words, sometimes it might be the wrong words,’ he said.

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