
Only 7 years prison for jealous farmer who raped and slit the throat of his female employee

When he heard she was leaving to meet and old flame, this ‘father figure’ turned deadly.
7 News

A Cairns farmer has been sentenced to just seven-and-a-half years in prison after kidnapping, raping, and slitting the throat of a female worker after hearing she was leaving to visit an old boyfriend.



Miraculously, the woman survived the attack and told her story to Cairns  Supreme Court. She said McDonald offered to drive her to the airport, he instead turned toward a cannabis crop where he raped her and slit her throat twice.

His words to her were chilling during the attack as he accused her of leading him on, and told her:  “when you die no one will miss you, not even your family.’


As McDonald left her to die, she asked for his phone so she could listen to music in her final moments. Instead she used the phone to call for help, and she was able to survive the ordeal.

In a statement she says she was terrified McDonald would come after her again and that she had thought of him as a father figure.

Cairns Supreme Court sentenced John McDonald to seven-and-a-half-years for grievous bodily harm
The case was heard before Cairns Supreme Court. (Credit: 7 News)

7 News report that the prosecution dropped the initial charge of attempted murder, and McDonald pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm and sentenced to just seven-and-a-half years behind bars.


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