Zachary Byrant was only three-months-old when he died in hospital from injuries caused by a rampaging driver who mowed down pedestrians in Melbourne.
His mum, Nawwar Hassan Byrant, has posted a heart wrenching tribute to her poor boy on Facebook, on the same day as a sixth fatal victim of the attack was announced.
‘Every move I make, every corner of the house and every sight we pass by reminds me of my child,’ she writes.
‘He may not be physically in my arms anymore but besides photos and memories I wilI always remember him by wearing his birth scars on my body as badges of honour to have given birth to such an angel.’
Along with her touching message, she shared her eulogy from Zac’s memorial service, dedicating the address to those who reached out to support her and her family, and to anyone who has experienced the pain of losing a child.
‘He was just perfect,’ she says in her eulogy, speaking tenderly of her pregnancy, her boy’s generous smiles and funny facial expressions.
She says she is focussing on the gifts he brought into her life, rather than the pain of the loss.
‘I hope my words will help you in the best ways possible to overcome your sadness and fill your heart with love too.’