Jennifer Mulford, 36, has quit her job to breastfeed her boyfriend.
According to Jennifer the couple have publicized their bizarre relationship in an attempt to normalise inhibitions around adult breastfeeding or ‘Adult Breastfeeding Relationships.’
Mulford told The Sun that since she met her partner Brad, a bodybuilder and father of one, she has quit her job so that she can devote herself to establishing breastfeeding him.
Jennifer has said that she had always been interested in adult breastfeeding and had tried to find a suitable partner through dating sites. She finally opened up to Brad, an old boyfriend from high school and when he expressed interest they formed a relationship.
Mulford said, ‘It was like a light switch flicked in his head. I could tell from his voice that he was curious and excited.’
She continued, ‘At that moment I knew that I had a partner for life. We both wanted the same thing out of the relationship – a magical bond that only breastfeeding can achieve.’

As she has not given birth, Mulford is not lactating and needs to ‘dry feed’ to trick her body into producing milk.
Her partner Brad, a gym enthusiast, has said he is looking forward to what he perceives will be the benefits in breastmilk for his training regime. Although, it has been noted in recent medical journals that human milk has no benefits for adults whatsoever, and is known to contain less protein than cow’s milk and can even be dangerous to consume.
Mulford says that if it were up to Brad they would breastfeed in public but for her its ‘very private.’
‘I’ll never say never but I love the time we spend nursing alone. It’s our time away from the rest of the world and I look forward to every feed.’
This article originally appeared on New Idea.