A Tasmanian woman has broken a record that has raised a few eyebrows by giving birth at the age of 63!
On Monday the unnamed woman welcomed her first child by caesarean section with her 78-year-old partner by her side.
It has been reported that the woman was trying IVF unsuccessfully for many years before falling pregnant through a donor embryo that was implanted overseas.
While some people have praised the woman, many think that she is simply too old to care for a baby.
Today Australian IVF pioneer Professor Gab Kovacs spoke to The Herald, labelling the procedure as ‘irresponsible’.
‘That child will need looking after for 20 years,’ he said. ‘There’s a possibility she won’t be able to do that.’

The record for the world’s oldest mum was set in 2005 when Romanian woman, Adriana Iliescue gave birth at age 66.
What do you think?
Should women be able to become parents at any age or is there a certain cut off point?